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Everything you need to know about hair for extensions

What types of hair are used for the extensions? How is the highest quality hair selected? How is the quality of different types of hair determined? In this article, we will answer these and other questions to help you choose hair that will make your extensions luxurious.


At RH Boutique, we concider hair extensions as an embellishment capable of enhancing natural beauty. It's an exquisite addition to your look, complementing elegant dresses, beautiful makeup, and fine jewellery. Our choice is 100% natural hair of the highest quality because your beauty deserves the best.


We will help you navigate the variety of hair options available in the market. Our goal is to provide you with information that will help distinguish between products of questionable quality and really high quality hair. Making the right choice of hair for extensions is an investment in your confidence and beauty.
Unfortunately, not everyone realizes the importance of switching to premium-quality hair. Such hair is usually more expensive, but in reality, it's a case of getting what you pay for. If you invest in quality extensions from the start and commit to caring for them, you will be rewarded," says Lee Snyder, hair extension specialist and trainer, who works with Kylie Jenner.
— Lee Snyder, hair extension specialist and trainer, who works with Kylie Jenner.


Understanding the components of natural hair is an important step in choosing hair for extensions.

Natural hair consists of three main parts:
  • Medulla: The innermost layer of the hair shaft, consisting of loosely packed cells or sometimes absent altogether. It's more commonly present in thick, coarse hair and absent in fine hair.
  • Cortex: The middle layer of the hair shaft, containing melanin pigment and keratin providing strength, elasticity, and colour to the hair.
  • Cuticle: The outermost layer of the hair shaft, composed of overlapping scales that protect the inner layers of the hair.

Intact condition of the cuticles plays a crucial role in the quality of hair for extensions, as it affects their shine, smoothness, and tendency to tangle.
Healthy hair structure


Choosing between synthetic fibres and natural hair impacts the authenticity and durability of the extensions significantly. If your goal is to achieve the most natural and high-quality result, it's worth opting for natural hair only.

Photo: Synthetic hair (above) and natural hair (below).
How to distinguish 100% natural hair from synthetic?
Distinguishing 100% natural hair from synthetic fibres is very simple. Ask if they can be dyed or straightened with a flat iron. Only 100% natural hair can be treated like your own—dyed, bleached, styled with curling irons or flat irons.

If online, you can distinguish synthetic hair from natural one by price and photos; synthetic hair is significantly cheaper than natural hair and has a specific shine resembling Barbie hair.

Limitations of synthetic fibres usage
Synthetic fibres are made from plastic polymers that repel dyes, break down from hair lighteners, and can melt under the heat of straightening or curling irons. Additionally, even the highest quality synthetic fibres have an artificial appearance, as they cannot mimic the softness and shine of natural hair.


The origin of natural hair is really important for its quality. Hair extensions come from various countries, the most popular countries are Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Vietnam, Indonesia, India, China, and Russia. You can also meet European hair in the market but in smaller range. China and India are the leading suppliers, however hair from Russia and Eastern Europe is considered to be the highest quality. This is due to the long history of hair trade, and the ingrained culture of hair care in these regions. These factors contribute to obtaining hair of high quality, characterised by strength, shine, and naturalness.


The origin of natural hair is determined by its density, structure, and colour, which are formed by genetic factors and cultural characteristics of hair care in different regions. It's quite difficult for a non-professional to determine the origin and quality of hair. Even professionals are unlikely to confidently identify where certain hair comes from without special equipment.

For example, at RH Boutique, we only cooperate with factories from Russia that provide certificates of hair origin. If the hair is of "luxury" or “exclusive” quality (read below), they provide us with a photograph of the person who sold their hair for extensions in addition to the certificate. These people always get well-paid for their hair. The amount depends on the quality, length, and weight of their hair.


Natural Hair from Latin America

Natural hair of Latin American origin is typically thicker and darker compared to European and Asian hair. Its texture, often wavy or curly, is influenced by Afro-American genetics. These characteristics make them less suitable for colouring and thermal processing, reducing their popularity among major hair extension manufacturers. They suit female clients with similar hair textures only.

Natural Hair from Asia

Natural hair from Asia (Vietnam, Indonesia, China, and India) has a denser and thicker structure compared to Russian or European hair. They are usually black or dark brown in colour, and have a straight or slightly wavy texture.

Various types of hair are offered in these countries but they are generally processed with aggressive chemical components, leading to loss of their natural shine and strength. Before being sold, the features are restored so that the hair looks attractive, but this effect is short-term.

Processing of Asian Hair for Major Factories

The first procedure the hair undergoes is intensive fumigation: a technology of spraying with chemical substances for complete disinfection. The reason for such treatment lies in the relatively low standards of hygiene and hair care in these regions compared to Russia and Europe.

After fumigation, the hair undergoes a process of de-structuring. This process is necessary because a large part of the hair for extensions is collected from different donors, and the natural direction of the scales of cuticle is not preserved. De-structuring involves breaking down the natural structure of the hair to align the direction of all hairs from roots to ends.

The next processing stage is bleaching or dyeing the hair. These procedures are necessary for obtaining standard colours and shades. However, such intensive chemical processing alters the original features of the hair significantly, making them look like synthetic fibres.

As a result of these processes, natural hair is transformed into an ultra-processed product, losing its original shine and quality. Such hair may maintain an attractive appearance only until the first or second wash, then they lose their aesthetic qualities.

Major factories are forced to use low-quality hair because they need to increase production capacity while reducing costs, and purchasing high-quality raw materials leads to significant expenses, including compensation to people who grow and sell their hair.

Ethical Aspects of Hair Collection in India

There is a tradition of donating hair to local temples in India. Men and women grow their hair and donate it to temples, following a religious tradition. They don't get paid for this. However, this hair is sold in the market at fairly high prices. Nowadays, standards and norms for the industry are currently being developed globally to reduce the number of low-quality products.

Soft and shiny strands that can be styled into any hairstyle. Perfect hair for extensions at RH Boutique.


Natural Slavic Hair from Russia and Former Soviet Union Countries

Natural Slavic hair from Russia and countries of the former Soviet Union, many of which are now part of Europe, is considered the highest standard of quality. This is related to the ancient culture of hair care in these regions.

The most valuable in the global market is the hair of young women and girls under 25 years old. Such hair is called "child hair", or “exclusive hair”, and it is ideal for extensions due to its unique characteristics.

Slavic hair has a finer structure and light shades due to genetic features ranging from light brown to blond. They can be both straight and wavy. An important aspect is the high level of hygiene and hair care in this region, which ensures their health, strength, and shine.

Slavic hair is carefully selected сonsidering the demand in the market, and its natural cuticle is preserved from roots to ends. This standard, known as REMY, guarantees excellent hair quality, minimises the risk of tangling, and prevents the formation of curly strands.

Exclusive Quality Hair for Extensions

Exclusive hair has a special structure, natural softness, and lightness, which is provided by young girls under 25 years old. Gentle curls which are pleasant to the touch, which haven't been subjected to dyeing, blow-drying, and straightening, are highly valued by both stylists and clients. Such hair has a long lifespan. Extensions made from exclusive hair can be worn for several years, and the hair is attractive throughout the entire period of use.

Light hair of childlike structure for extensions doesn’t damage the natural hair under the weight of the strands, so the extension of Slavic exclusive hair is considered safe, especially for girls with thin hair.

The client is provided with a photo of the donor to identify the exclusive hair, and to confirm the authenticity of the strands for extensions.
Slavic (Russian) natural hair in stock at RH Boutique. We maintain a permanent minimum stock of over 100 kilos, which brings us closer to a factory than a showroom.


Premium hair is hair with a special structure, natural softness and lightness, obtained from young girls under 25 years of age. The delicate and soft strands, untreated with dyes, hair dryers and straighteners, are particularly appreciated by both hairdressers and clients. These hairs are characterized by their long life. Children's hair extensions can last for years, and the hair does not lose its attractive appearance for the entire time it is used.

Children's hair extensions are lightweight and do not damage natural hair under the weight of the strands. Therefore, Slavic children's hair extensions are considered safe for your own hair, especially for girls with fine hair.

To confirm the cutting of children's hair, the client is provided with a photo of the donor to confirm the authenticity of the hair strands for the extensions.


Nei paesi asiatici è diffusa la pratica di mescolare capelli provenienti da donatori diversi senza considerare la direzione naturale delle cuticole. Tutto questo costringe i produttori a ricorrere a trattamenti chimici aggressivi dei capelli per minimizzare gli effetti negativi di tale mescolanza, come abbiamo descritto in precedenza.

I capelli slavi vengono acquistati individualmente da ogni donatore, il che ne garantisce l'omogeneità di lucentezza e struttura. In Russia e nei Paesi della CSI è ben sviluppata la cultura della cura dei capelli nonché il sistema di raccolta dei capelli dietro un compenso in denaro.
Natural Slavic (Russian) hair in stock at RH Boutique. We only buy the highest quality hair, with certificates confirming the ethical origin of the hair and photos of the donors.


Why do we guarantee the highest quality of hair extensions?

  • We purchase raw material (hair) of the best quality from established factories, which provide us with certificates and donors’ photographs.
  • Hair doesn't undergo any chemical treatment to alter the structure or artificially add shine. Only disinfection and washing with shampoos are done.
  • We wash and dry hair thoroughly and carefully, tracking the direction of hair growth. Sorting is based on four criteria: structure and density, length, shade, and waviness.
  • Hair is stored safely without direct sunlight, maintaining constant humidity to prevent fading and drying.

We use hair of three quality standards:

  • Standard: These strands come in bunches collected from different donors, but we wash and sort them manually. They are usually firmer and more porous than luxury hair.
  • Luxury: It is soft and shiny hair collected from a single donor. We also wash and dry these strands, and they are stored in a separate bunch afterwards.
  • Exclusive hair: It is very soft, light and silky hair collected from a single donor under the age of 25. They are also referred to as "child hair".

When selecting extensions for clients, we take hair from different strands to blend it smoothly with their natural hair. It helps us achieve a natural look.

At RH Boutique, we create hair strands for extensions individually, manually assembling them strand by strand. This method allows us to mix hair from different donors, thoroughly matching colour and shade in order to blend it with the client's hair. We always preserve the natural direction of the cuticle, ensuring a natural and high-quality result, as well as long-term use of the hair.


REMY quality is characterized by maintaining the natural direction of the scales of the hair cuticle from roots to ends. This method makes the extensions look silky and shiny, as well as prevents tangling.

Hair from some suppliers, such as China, is offered at a low price and often doesn’t meet REMY standards. They undergo aggressive chemical processing to remove the cuticle, leading to deterioration in their quality. Initially, they may look appealing but they become stiff, brittle, and prone to tangling very soon.


Most hair for extensions available in the market comes from India and China. They undergo processes of bleaching and dyeing to achieve homogeneity. Such hair allows for creation of waves or curls, and their cost is relatively low. Despite the popularity among major brands due to their wide range of colours and shades, such material cannot be reused. The reason for this is the silicones used for restoring the shine of the hair, which prevent some fixing methods, such as keratin capsules.

In contrast, Russian hair, acquired individually and not subjected to processing, ensures the highest quality of extensions. Due to the absence of silicone additives, they can be reused for up to two years with proper care. This makes them the best choice for techniques requiring perfect cuticle condition.

Remember that 100% natural hair extensions require the same care and attention as your own hair.

We don’t use silicones for strands at RH Boutique, so they can be reused multiple times. We encapsulate the hair manually and can create any combinations and sizes of capsules: for the temples, bangs, for volume, or length.
At RH Boutique, we don't use silicones in our treatments, so the strands can be reused many times. We encapsulate the hair ourselves and can create any combination and size of capsules: for the temple area, for the bangs, to add volume or length.


Brands offering natural hair in standard colour ranges often use bleaching and dyeing processes to align the colour. These processes involve the use of aggressive chemicals that affect the structure and shine of the hair.

Use of silicones to restore shine
Most manufacturers apply silicones to make processed hair shine, but this doesn’t restore the natural strength and elasticity of the hair. The effect is temporary and primarily for commercial use. The hair may look great at first, but this effect will disappear after the first wash.

Another disadvantage of the processed hair is inability to reuse it with keratin capsules. This forces you to purchase new hair constantly, resulting in additional expenses.


Choosing the right hair for extensions
Make sure you understand what hair you are purchasing. They should meet your needs and expectations. We don’t recommend buying hair yourself but rather choosing professional salons with a wide range of hair extensions. In this case, the master can select the best option for you, based on their experience and analysis of your hair.

Proper care of hair extensions
Provide proper care for your hair extensions to increase their lifespan. Don't skimp on your appearance: you will spend much more in the long run. Remember: penny wise, pound foolish.

Choosing hair of the highest quality is an investment in your beauty. By purchasing premium or luxury class hair, you don’t just get stunning and naturally looking hair but also the opportunity to reuse them for a long time.

RH Boutique's mission and values

At RH Boutique, we believe that there is nothing more valuable than your natural beauty. Our mission is to highlight and enhance it, and we provide the highest quality in everything we do. Our approach to hair extensions is not just a service but respect and admiration for the natural beauty of every woman.

Therefore, an extensive and diverse assortment of 100% natural hair of the highest quality is constantly available for you at RH Boutique. Your needs will be met from the very first visit. Bring us your beauty, we’ll bring the extensions.

At RH Boutique, we specialise in hair extensions, helping dozens of women become even more beautiful every day.

RH Boutique specializes in hair extensions, helping dozens of women become even more beautiful every day.


Don't hesitate to contact us on WhatsApp at +393 669 580 412 or by filling out the form. Our support team will contact you to schedule a free online consultation.

Visit our salons in Milan and soon also in Dubai to see for yourself the quality and variety of our products and to ask any questions you may have.

At RH Boutique, we are proud to offer our clients the highest quality hair. Each strand is carefully selected to enhance your authentic beauty.
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